Bigger is Better

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How many believe bigger is better?

We strive to have larger, more defined muscles. People get breast enhancements, butt implants & fat injected to their lips to make them larger. However when it comes to cellulite on your thighs we only want it smaller or non existent and definitely not visible.

The term cellulite was first used, according to Merriam-Websters dictionary website, in 1968. Merriam-Websters dictionary defines cellulite as deposits of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue (as in the thighs, hips, and buttocks) that give a puckered and dimpled appearance to the skin surface.

So in short this definition is saying that the fat cells in your body are under your skin and can be visible to the eye. There are many reasons that fat accumulates on our bodies. I am only going to deal with over eating as a result in this blog post. We will discuss other reasons later on.

When we eat our body breaks down the carbohydrates first turning that into glucose. Then insulin is released to carry the glucose through your system to be used as fuel by your body. When this fuel is not used, your body is designed to turn it into fat that it stores for energy later. As we continue to eat without looking at what we are eating, how much we are eating or without exerting large amounts of energy, fat stores continue to grow in our fat cells.

Each fat cell is designed to expand and shrink according to the amount of energy being stored. Picture a plastic balloon full of liquid fat that expands or shrinks based on the amount of liquid fat being stored. That old wives tale of losing fat is only true in the sense that your fat cell, stores lots of energy or a little energy.

Fat cells even have a memory, kind of like muscle memory. It doesn’t take long for them to remember being larger and storing more energy than you need.

Fat cells aren’t like other cells that continually grow, divide, create new cells and die. They do have a life span though, of 7-9 years, so they will eventually die off. The death of a fat cell is worth celebrating, in my opinion!

How do we get to the place where our fat cells only store the right amounts of energy? That is the question on every ones mind, well in a sense.

This is where eating correctly & exercising come into play. Who determines what eating correctly is? The FDA has the food pyramid, there are millions of books on diets, pills that block fat, eating disorders, fads and trends. People have allergies, aversions to certain foods, and eating restrictions.

How do you choose? I wish I had the perfect answer here, but I don’t. My true and firm belief is that there is an eating plan for you. You just have to find what it is. This will take some self discovery and it has to be something you can live with or do for your life.

Now this next statement may sound contradictory, but whole, unprocessed food is best. Eating meat, fruit, veggies & grains in their most natural form. If you can grow it & make it yourself would be my definition of whole unprocessed food.

Who has time to grow and make all of their own food? My answer would be more than we think. But as Americans we want convenience, fast, and easy and we want time to do “our own thing”. Selfishly we want all the luxuries we can have. This is one of the reasons the diet industry is booming. We want fast, easy, convenient wight loss.

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